The Association values trauma-informed research and resources. Please visit the resources below for free materials, trainings, and further education.
'Many early childhood educators are likely to encounter young children who have experienced trauma on a daily basis. These traumas may include emotional, physical, or sexual abuse; domestic violence; various forms of neglect; adoption; foster care; incarceration or death of a caregiver; natural disasters; medical and surgical procedures; and serious accidents.'
'Contemporary trauma research demonstrates that all types of trauma can undermine children’s abilities to learn, create healthy attachments, form supportive relationships, and follow classroom expectations. Further, trauma has negative behavioral, emotional, neurobiological, and developmental repercussions throughout children’s schooling and their adult lives.'
'Children who experience trauma are two-and-a-half times more likely to fail a grade in school than their nontraumatized peers. They score lower on standardized tests, have higher rates of suspension and expulsion, and are more likely to be placed in special education classrooms rather than be included in classrooms with their nontraumatized peers.' -NAEYC